Real Time Aurora Forecast in Finland

In the frame is the real-time aurora forecast in Finland from the Finnish Meteorological Institute. New data is posted usually every 15 minutes so re-fresh the page to get the most accurate readings. At the bottom of the page is an explanation of how to interpret the data you see.

Below is a simplified way of reading the data above without having to know what the exact numbers mean (Click to enlarge image). You can simply follow the color coding to read the prediction and decide if you want to go outside and go aurora hunting!
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Besides the real time aurora forecast above, there are other factors that will determine if you can see the auroras or not and you can read more about how to predict aurora forecasts. You can also read more about what are the Northern lights as well as go hunting for auroras in Rovaniemi with me.

If you are having trouble viewing the real time forecast above, you can go straight to the FMI website here.