Rovaniemi Log Train Terminal
The log train terminal is an interesting site about .5 km west of the train station, where you can view the seemingly endless stacks of lumber that give example to the scope of the timber industry in the region (Santa doesn't employ everyone in town unfortunately). There is a hill opposite of the terminal (above Korkalovaarantie) accessible by foot path which offers a nice view of the cranes loading and unloading the transport cars coming from the north or heading to the south. Its an unorthodox attraction and may not be of interest to everyone, yet it offers a curious glimpse into the logistics of one of the regions main industries.

The viewing hill is accessible all year round, but the return trip distance from the city centre may be a bit too much for some visitors if temperatures are quite cold in winter.

NOTE: Do not go into the actual lumber yard as it is private property and trespassing is forbidden. It is only suggested to view from the hill opposite of the terminal.
To get there - from the train station, turn left on Ratakatu and head away from the city centre, following the foot path on the right side of the road. Continue straight on the foot path, keeping an eye on the railway track that will be to your left, and you will eventually see the terminal after passing a bridge (Oijustie). Follow the foot path up and then veer toward your left at the top of the hill following the fence from where you can easily view the lumber terminal.