Travelers' Cross at Tsarmijärvi


( Travellers' Cross at Tsarmijärvi )

The travelers' cross at Tsarmijärvi was erected by the local Skolt Sami around Nellim as a memorial cross to remember those buried in Petsamo and the lost homelands there, and also as a place for prayer and silent worship The cross is also intended to remind them of the first homes of the area's Skolt Sami, who came especially from the villages Paatsjoki and Petsamo and were placed in Keväjärvi, Mustola, Tsarmijärvi and Nellim after the Second World War. At first they lived in wartime dug-outs and temporary buildings, as new houses were not built until a few years later after relocation. The Skolt Sami and Orthodox Christians of Nellim also honor those who participated in the post-war reconstruction of the area at the cross.

The cross is on the left hand side of the Route 969 that travels from Ivalo to Nelim. It's right next to the road and not easy to see although there is an information board and small pull-of area for parking.